APQP/PPAP: Package Info
An APQP/PPAP package's "Package Info" page presents all relevant package information including part details, additional information such as custom fields, company information, and key contacts.
Any supplier or customer APQP/PPAP User can update the Package Info section until a final PPAP Approval Form (PSW) is generated or, in the absence of a PSW item, when the package status is "Completed".
Part Info
Part Number
Number corresponding with the part, often designated by the customer or OEM.
Part Name
Name of the part as shown on the drawing or in the model.
Part Revision Level
Optional. Latest revision corresponding with the part.
APQP Package Number
A related APQP record with the same part number, supplier, and customer (and marked as completed) as the record being created. A link to the Parent record will be placed in the Basic Info section of the APQP
Drawing Number
Optional. Number corresponding with the part as shown on the drawing/model applicable to the APQP record.
Drawing Revision Level
Optional. Revision level corresponding with the drawing/model applicable to the APQP record.
Additional Changes
Optional. Used to provide reference numbers for any changes incorporated in the product that are not reflected in the part/drawing revision level (e.g., change in design, engineering changes, manufacturing
changes, deviation or exclusion from certain drawing or DPD requirements).
Purchase Order
Conditionally required; the customer can choose to require this prior to signing the checklist. Customer purchase order number applicable to the APQP record.
Submission Level
Customer-defined value that determines the contents and requirements of the "Elements" section of the APQP record.
Additional fields
Custom fields may be configured by the customer to appear at the bottom of the Part Info section. Contact your customer representative if you have questions about how to complete these fields.
Is this a lead part? (Part Family)
This cell indicates whether this package is a lead part package or a similar part package, if applicable. Read this article to learn more: APQP/PPAP: Part Family
This is a generic text box available for package notes.
Key Contacts & Responsibilities
This section helps companies identify users responsible for the package or who track the package's status. All tables are optional. Users are selected via a drop down. Their title and email are automatically pulled into the row. Title can be modified by email is static.
Package Owner(s)
Package owners are typically the ones responsible for defining or communication requirements and deadlines. When a user is assigned as a package owner, they are given special operating permissions on the assigned package only.
The following actions should require the user to be the assigned as Supplier/Submitter Package Owner. The user must also belong to the supplier company.
Assign Users to Items as Supplier/Submitter
Confirm and Unconfirm APQP Packages as Supplier/Submitter
Update APQP Supplier Package Owners
The following actions should require the user to be the assigned as Customer/Approver Package Owner. The user must also belong to the customer company.
Put APQP Packages On Hold
Resume APQP Record
Confirm and Unconfirm APQP Packages as Customer/Approver
Assign Users to Items as Customer/Approver
Update APQP Package Part Number
Update APQP Customer Package Owners
The following actions should require the user to be either the assigned as Supplier/Submitter Package Owner or as Customer/Approver Package Owner.
Void APQP Packages
APQP Admins can carry out the following actions, regardless of whether there’s an assigned Supplier/Submitter or Customer/Approver Package Owner:
Update APQP Supplier Package Owners (Supplier only)
Update APQP Customer Package Owners (Customer only)
Update APQP Package Part Number (Customer only)
Put APQP Packages On Hold (Customer only)
Resume APQP Package (Customer only)
Supplier/Submitter Representatives
Optional. Net-Inspect user at the supplier, or on an internal package, the creating company who is interested in tracking the package. The user will be notified by email for any established notifications.
Users are selected via a drop down. Their title and email are automatically pulled into the row. Title can be modified by email is static.
Customer/Approver Representatives
Optional. Net-Inspect user at the customer, or on an internal package, the creating company who is interested in tracking the package. The user will be notified by email for any established notifications.
Users are selected via a drop down. Their title and email are automatically pulled into the row. Title can be modified by email is static.
Customer/Approver APQP Engineer(s)
Additional table for tracking users who wish to receive notifications.
Supplier Info
Supplier Name
Account name of the APQP/PPAP package's supplier.
Supplier Code
Optional. A unique number given by the customer to the supplier organization; sometimes referred to as Vendor Code, Vendor Identification Number, or Supplier Number.
Supplier Address
Derived from the supplier's Company Setup page.
Supplier Country
Derived from the supplier's Company Setup page.
From Division
Division within the Supplier, usually corresponding with a facility or location. This field will only appear if the supplier has configured divisions in their Net-Inspect account. When using the "Create APQP for Customer" option, it may be necessary to enter a Part Number before selecting a From Division.
Division addresses will be reflected in the supplier address and country fields, if applicable. Updates to division addresses will only apply when the info tab is saved.
A customer user can select any From Division, while the supplier user may only be able to select divisions that are aligned with their User ID and with the part record.
Product group to which the APQP/PPAP part belongs. May be optional, depending on your company's security settings.
If your program list is empty or is missing the program you need, then your account's administrator may need to align your User ID with programs. The Customer may need to create the program before it can be assigned to customer or supplier users.
Customers creating an APQP/PPAP package should take care to select a program to which supplier users will have access. Otherwise, the supplier may be unable to open the record.
Customer Info
Customer Name
Account name of the APQP/PPAP package's customer. When using the page's "Create APQP for Supplier" option, this field is completed automatically.
Customer Address
Derived from the customer's Company Setup page.
Customer Country
Derived from the customer's Company Setup page.
To Division
Division within the Customer, usually corresponding with a facility or location. This field will only appear if the customer has configured divisions in their Net-Inspect account. When using the "Create APQP as the Customer" option, it may be necessary to enter a Part Number before selecting a To Division.
Division addresses will be reflected in the customer address and country fields, if applicable. Updates to division addresses will only apply when the info tab is saved.
The selected division may need to match the customer's part record in order for the customer to open the APQP/PPAP checklist. A supplier user can select any To Division, while the customer user may only be able to select divisions that are aligned with their User ID and with the part record.
Package Details
APQP/PPAP packages display information at the top of the page:
"Print", "Void", and "Hold" buttons are available in the top-left of each page. The Void option will permanently cancel the APQP/PPAP package, so it should only be used when a record is no longer required, or needs to be replaced. The Hold button will place the package in a read only state and pause any notifications.
[Package] Status:
In-Work - Package is not one of the other statuses
Completed - All required fields are entered and all required items in the checklist tab are submitted and approved
Void - Package has been terminated is now read only
On-Hold - Package progress is halted by the customer/approver. Package is now read only and cannot be worked until it is returned to an In-Work status
[Package] Schedule Status: The schedule status of an APQP/PPAP package, based on the package due date
Not Scheduled: Package does not have a due date Scheduled: Package has a due date
Coming Due: Today's date is within the terms of coming due as set by the customer configuration
Past Due: Today's date is great than the due date of the package
Completed: All required items are completed
Pkg Start Date: Supplier and customer available field.
Pkg Due Date: Customer field to drive the package schedule status.