FAIR Form 3
This form is used to record inspection results for the design characteristics and to document any applicable non-conformances.
1. Part Number (R)
Number of the part. Automatically imported from Form 1.
2. Part Name (R)
Name of the part as shown on the drawing. Automatically imported from Form 1.
3. Serial Number (CR)
Serial number of the part. Automatically imported from Form 1.
4. FAIR Number (R)
Reference number that identifies the FAIR. Automatically assigned by Net-Inspect.
Customer Preview: If this checkbox is marked, most of the form's fields will be hidden to conserve space. Fields 9–12 remain available for entry. Only available to the FAIR's supplier before Form 3 is signed. Clicking the Add a Characteristic button will unmark this checkbox.
Add a Characteristic: Used to add a new characteristic to Form 3. Use the button's drop-down arrow to select the number of characteristics you wish to add at once.
Bulk Update: After selecting one or more characteristics, use this button to update all of the selected characteristics at once. Characteristics can be selected by clicking their checkbox on the left side of the table. If you click the "Select All" checkbox in the far top-left of the table, then you can choose to either update all of the characteristics on the current page, or all of the characteristics on Form 3.
(Tools) Download Excel Templates: Download a Form 3 import template, with or without the form's current data. This Excel form can be edited and uploaded again to a FAIR, replacing all of its Form 3 data. (See section referencing using EXCEL on form 3: FAIR Form 3).
(Tools) Import Excel Template: After using the above option to obtain and edit a template, use this option to upload the template to a FAIR and replace the data currently recorded on Form 3.
(Tools) Add/Edit Column 12: Add new "Additional Data / Comments" columns to Form 3, or erase all data from these columns.
(Tools) Upload CMM Results: Upload CMM measurements, match them to characteristics (or use them to create new characteristics), and post them to Form 3. This option is compatible with text-based files exportable from many CMM software programs. (See How to Upload CMM Results to Form 3 for a video tutorial)
A separate license may be required in order to use this option. For more information, please contact sales@net-inspect.com.
Search All: Search for a characteristic number
Form 3 with "Customer Preview" unmarked.
Copy characteristic: An icon on the right side of each characteristic row can be used to copy that characteristic. This will duplicate all of its data to a new row, except for its Char. No. entry.
Delete characteristic: An icon on the right side of each characteristic row can be used to remove that characteristic. Note
5. Char. No. (R)
Unique assigned number for each design characteristic. Only English alphanumeric characters and decimal points are permitted.
Duplicate characteristic numbers are not permitted.
Key Feature:
Designates the characteristic as a key feature on the inspection plan belonging to the FAIR's part number.
Op. #
Operation number of the characteristic. Determines characteristic's grouping on the part's inspection plan and during measurement entry.
6. Reference Location (CR)
Location of the design characteristic [e.g., drawing zone (page number and section), DPD model location, specification callout].
Bubble Number
Balloon number or bubble number on the drawing which corresponds with the characteristic.
7. Characteristic Designator (CR)
Characteristic type (e.g., critical, key, flight safety, or customer-defined).
8. Requirement (R)
Specified requirement for the design characteristic (e.g., drawing or DPD dimensional characteristic with associated nominal dimension and tolerances, drawing notes, specification requirements). Note that angle features with degrees/minutes/seconds should be converted to decimal degrees.
Net-Inspect splits the Requirement into several fields:
GDT Callout
The GD&T callout frame of the characteristic, if applicable. This field should not be used when entering a feature without a callout frame.
Clicking the GDT Callout field will open GD&T Builder window. See Creating GDT Callout inside Form 3 for a video tutorial.
Select a Tolerance Type, enter tolerance(s), provide datum information, and select applicable modifiers; the callout frame will be built automatically and shown at the bottom of the window. Additional options may also be available depending on the Tolerance Type selected.
A short definition of the characteristic. If the feature is a Note, then the note text can be entered in this field.
Feature’s unit of measurement (e.g., mm, in., deg., etc.).
Tolerance Type
Format of the characteristic; used to determine the necessary elements of a feature. Depending on which option is selected, different fields will be made available.
Tolerance Type | Fields available | Drawing example |
Symmetrical | Nominal and one bilateral tolerance value | |
Bilateral | Nominal and two different tolerance values | |
Unilateral Upper | High specification limit only | |
Unilateral Lower | Low specification limit only | |
Basic Dimension | Nominal only | |
Range Inclusive | Upper and lower specification limits |
9. Results (R)
Used to list measurement(s) obtained for each design characteristic. Results can be entered without opening a characteristic for editing, and are saved automatically if entered in this way.
Each characteristic has a single Results field by default. To add additional Results rows (which include fields 9, 10, and 11), click the (+) icon next the Results field. To remove a result, click its (x) icon.
The Results field is color-coded. Results entered for Variable-data characteristics will turn color when entered, based on where they lie in the tolerance range indicated in the Actual Requirement field:
Green: 0-50% of a tolerance value
Yellow: 50‒100% of a tolerance value
Red: Over 100% of a tolerance value
These tolerance ranges can be modified through the First Article Preferences page. The settings belonging to the FAIR's Customer take precedence over the settings belonging to the supplier.
Attribute results are also color-coded:
Green: Pass
Red: Fail
Results cannot be entered for characteristics that are Not Reportable.
10. Designed / Qualified Tooling (CR)
When design tooling or specially designed tooling, including NC programming as a media of inspection, is used for attribute acceptance of the characteristic, record the tool identification number.
When qualified tooling is used for attribute acceptance, record the gauge value or range (e.g., minimum/maximum value), as applicable.
Entries in this field can be entered without opening a characteristic for editing, and are saved automatically if entered in this way.
11. Nonconformance Number (CR)
Nonconformance document reference number, to be recorded when a result is nonconforming. Mandatory if result is out-of-tolerance.
If an entry is provided in this field for any characteristic, then that characteristic will be regarded as nonconforming, and you will not be able to sign the FAIR if you choose the "FAI Complete" option on Form 1 (though you will still be able to sign and submit the FAIR after selecting "FAI not Complete" if appropriate).
To signify that a characteristic has no Nonconformance Number, you can enter N/A or NA in the field. These entries will not prevent the form from being signed as Complete.
12. Additional Data / Comments (O)
Optional fields, as configured by the supplier or customer. (See "Add/Edit Column 12" section above.)