Supplier First Article Inspection Reports
The "Supplier First Article Inspection Reports" page shows all FAIRs created by external supplier companies with your company name listed as the customer. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding FAIR to open.
Opening a FAIR
Only users that are assigned to the appropriate User Types and aligned with the correct program can open and buy off a FAIR. Division authorization may also be required.
Program authorization: In accounts with normal security settings, a user can open a FAIR if they are aligned with the program shown in this page's "Program" column. In accounts with enhanced security, a user must be aligned with one of the Programs assigned to the FAIR Part Number's part record.
Division authorization: In some accounts with enhanced security, a user must be aligned with the Division shown for a FAIR in the "To Division" or "From Division" column. Some security configurations also require that a user be aligned with one of the Divisions assigned to the FAIR Part Number's part record.
Date Filter:
Click on the date range drop-down menu in the top-left of the page to select a date range, or to create a custom date range by which to filter your list of FAIRs.
Quick Filters:
All - All FAIRs within the selected date range. (Excludes voided FAIRs.)
In-work - FAIRs that are not currently submitted by the supplier..
Pending Buy-off - FAIRs that have been submitted by the supplier but have not yet been dispositioned by your company.
Disapproved - FAIRs that were submitted by the supplier and then disapproved by your company.
Buyoff Complete - FAIRs that have been submitted by the supplier and then bought off by your company.
Conditionally Approved - FAIRs that have been submitted by the supplier and conditionally approved by your company. These FAIRs normally require follow-up action by the supplier.
Export - Create a Excel file of the current view
Columns - use the drop down to select additional fields for viewing within the table
Search - Filter the report by FAIR Number, Part Number, or Part Name
Clear Search button - Clear all filters from the report
Filter icon - Filter any specific column
In the filter dropdown, using "Is equal to" allows the use of an OR function in the filter box. Use the "|" symbol to filter for multiple parts.
Delta FAIR - A small triangle next to the FAIR Number indicates that the FAIR is a Delta FAIR. (Its parent will be shown in the "Parent FAIR #" column.)
Add to Favorites
To add a custom list page to your dashboard, please see Adding to Favorites.