FAIR Form 1
This form is used to identify and provide traceability to the product.
FAIR #: Automatically generated report number corresponding with the FAI.
Print: Download or create a printout of the FAIR and its uploaded PDF documents.
Copy FAIR: Create a copy or follow-up to the FAIR. This generates a new First Article Inspection Report containing some or all of the data on the original FAIR.
Void FAIR: Cancel the FAIR. This removes the Customer's access to the FAIR and prevents it from being edited or submitted. If the FAIR has been submitted, then this option is not available.
Deltas: Show a list of the Parent or Delta FAIRs related to the current FAIR.
Reset: Reopen the FAIR, or send a request to an administrator or customer to reopen the FAIR. This option is only available after a FAIR has been submitted. Upon being reset, the FAIR's checklist (if present) is unsigned, and the following fields are cleared:
- Signature and Date (Forms 1, 2, and 3)
- Reviewed by and Date
- Customer Approval and Date
- Customer
Save: Save changes made to the FAIR. Unavailable after Form 1 has been signed.
Sign: Lock FAIR, sign Field 20, and complete Field 21. If Form 2 and/or 3 have not yet been signed, then these forms will also be signed. If the form has been signed but the FAIR has not yet been submitted, then an Unlock button will appear in its place.
Submit: Close and submit FAIR, sign Field 22, and complete Field 23.
Return to List: Return to your company's list of internal or supplier FAIRs. Filters applied to the list before opening a FAIR are retained and will be applied again upon clicking this button.
1. Part Number (R)
Number of the part.
If your selected customer has enabled the “Part-Level Security” preference, then the Part Number that you enter must match a part record already set up by that customer. If no such record exists, then the Customer must create it before you can proceed.
If your company or the selected customer has enabled the "Part-Level Security" preference, then the Part Number that you enter must currently be active. If the part record has been removed (through the "Part & Feature Setup" page on the Quality Management menu), then you will receive an error upon attempting to create the FAIR. If the part was removed in error, then you may need to contact the customer for assistance with activating it again.
Customer Part Number
Customer's Part Number designation, if different from Form 1. Entries in this field are linked are associated with the selected Customer and Part Number and are listed in the part's profile.
2. Part Name (R)
Name of the part as shown on the drawing.
3. Serial Number (CR)
Serial number of the part. Provide only if the part is serialized.
4. FAIR Identifier (R)
Reference number that identifies the FAIR. Automatically assigned by Net-Inspect.
Internal FAIR Identifier
Alternate reference number used to identify the FAIR. May be manually entered.
Customer FAIR Identifier
Either the customer and the supplier can use this field to record the customer FAI report number, if necessary. Clicking the Customer FAI # link will bring up the Customer FAI Report Number field in another window. This number will be shown on every First Article Inspection corresponding to the part, and can only be entered via the link provided on this form.
The customer report number cannot be modified after the buy-off process has been completed.
5. Part Revision Level (CR)
Latest part revision affecting the part. Leave blank if no revision exists.
6. Drawing Number (CR)
Drawing number associated with the part.
7. Drawing Revision Level (CR)
Revision level of the engineering drawing. Leave blank if no revision exists.
8. Additional Changes (CR)
Reference number of changes not reflected in the drawing/part revision level (fields 5 and 7).
9. Manufacturing Process Reference (R)
A reference number that provides traceability to the manufacturing record of the part (e.g., its routing number or manufacturing number).
10. Organization Name (R)
Name of the organization completing the FAI. This field cannot be edited.
From Division
Division from which the FAIR is being submitted. This field only appears if your company has configured divisions, and if you have access to one or more of those divisions. Required by Net-Inspect, if present on the form.
11. Supplier Code (O)
Unique number provided by your customer. Leave blank if not required by the customer or your internal processes.
12. Purchase Order Number (O)
Purchase order number or IWTA. Leave blank if not applicable or required.
13. Detail/Assembly (R)
Check as appropriate. If Detail FAI is chosen, the user will not need to fill out the Index section of this form.
14. Full FAI or Partial FAI (R)
Check as appropriate. For Partial FAIs, the user must provide a "Baseline Part Number including revision level" and "Reason for Partial FAI" (e.g., changes in design, process, or manufacturing location).
Index of Part Numbers section
Add Part: Add a new row to the "Part Number Index" section
Fields 15-18 refer to any other parts or FAIRs that relate to the FAI being completed. Their primary use is to provide information about the sub-assembly and detail parts that constitute an assembly First Article.
When a new row is added, it initially appears at the top of the "Part Number Index" section. When the form is opened again later by the FAIR's supplier or customer, parts added to the section will be automatically rearranged into the order in which each row was added.
Clicking a row will enable you to edit any of its fields.
15. Part Number (CR)
Number of the part.
If the value entered in this field matches the Part Number (Field 1) on a FAIR previously completed in your account or submitted to your account by a supplier, then you will have the option of selecting it and automatically complete the corresponding Part Name (Field 16), Supplier, and FAIR Number (Field 18) fields.
In order to link to a FAIR created in your own company’s account, it must either
- Have your own company listed as its Customer, or
- Have the same Customer as the assembly FAI.
You can also select a supplier's FAIR from this list if it exists in Net-Inspect, but only if your company is listed as the FAIR's Customer on Form 1.
16. Part Name (CR)
Name of the part as shown on the drawing.
17. Part Type (CR)
Choose whether the part is a detail part, sub-assembly, software, standard catalogue item, or COTS (or equivalent)
Company that created the part’s FAIR. If the FAIR exists in Net-Inspect, then the entry in this field should match the name of the company’s Net-Inspect account. Required by Net-Inspect.
18. FAIR Identifier (CR)
FAIR identifier (e.g., software generated FAIR identification or number, part number, individual organizational FAIR identification naming conventions) for the detail parts and associated assemblies. If no FAIR identifier is available, input the organization’s identifier for the FAI or approved configuration.
If a FAIR was selected while entering a Part Number in Field 15, then this field’s entry will act as a hyperlink to that FAIR.
19. Does FAIR Contain a Documented Nonconformance(s)?
If a nonconformance(s) has been documented in the FAIR, mark “Yes”. If not, mark "No".
"No" must be selected if one or more of the Results entered on Form 3 are outside its characteristic's tolerance(s).
The customer of the FAIR. Required by Net-Inspect.
FAIR Program
Airplane program or other group to which the First Article belongs.
If “Enhanced Security” is enabled in your Net-Inspect account, then you must choose from the list of Programs belonging to the selected Customer, and you may only select a Program that has been assigned to your User ID. If Enhanced Security is disabled, then any of your own account’s programs may be selected.
To Division
Division to which the FAIR will be submitted. This field only appears if your Customer has set up Divisions in their account. Required by Net-Inspect, if present on the form.
20. FAIR Verified By (R)
Identification of the person approving the FAIR. Certifies that the FAIR has been evaluated per AS9102 4.4. Completed by clicking the field’s Sign button (or the Sign Form 1 / Sign All Forms button located in the top-right of Form 1). Providing a signature locks Form 1.
21. Date (R)
Date and time that Field 20 was signed. Completed automatically.
22. FAIR Reviewed/Approved By (R)
Identification of the person approving the FAIR. Indicates that the FAIR has been closed or submitted to its Customer.
This field can only be completed if all three FAIR forms have been signed, and if all Results for characteristics entered on Form 3 have been completed.
Your customer may require that two different users sign Fields 20 and 22.
23. Date (R)
Date and time that Field 22 was signed. Completed automatically.
24. Customer Approval (CR)
Signifies that the FAIR has been reviewed by the customer. Completed automatically during buy-off.
25. Date (CR)
Date and time that Field 24 was signed. Completed automatically.