Update Form 3 Data With An Excel Template
On Form 3, you have the option to import an Excel template to change or add characteristic data and results.
1. Navigate to Form 3 on your FAIR in Net-Inspect.
2. Click on Tools > Download Excel Templates
3. Select one of the options.
a. DOWNLOAD COMPLETED RESULTS TEMPLATE - This download will include all characteristic data and results on the download.
b. DOWNLOAD BLANK RESULTS TEMPLATE - This download is only a blank sheet to fill out.
4. You can then use Excel to update the data.
a. Please follow our Form 3 guide to ensure you are following our template guidelines: Form 3 Excel Template Guidelines you can add results, characteristics, or make changes to existing data.
b. Note: If you downloaded characteristics with GD&T symbols, please leave them as is in the template. They will look correct after the upload into Net-Inspect.
5. After making your updates, go back to TOOLS > Import Excel template on Form 3 in Net-Inspect for the FAIR you are working on. NOTE: THIS OVERWRITES ALL EXISTING CHARACTERISTICS AND ENTERS ONLY THE CHARACTERISTIC DATA IN YOUR EXCEL SHEET.
6. You will have a file prompt to drag and drop your updated Excel template or select the file on your PC or network drive. This will update Form 3 of your FAIR after you select a file and upload.