APQP/PPAP: Checklist Table
Checklist Tab Header
Bulk Update for Item Planned Completion Date: The date selected here will update all item planned completion date fields for items which are unsubmitted.
Bulk Update for Item Due Date: The date selected here will update all item due date fields for items which are unsubmitted.
PPAP Approval Form (PSW) Planned Completion Date and Due Date pull from the PSW item, if one exists.
Checklist Confirmation Signatures:
Checklist Confirmation is an indication of agreement between the supplier/submitter and customer/approver (or if internal, between different groups in the creating company) for the following information:
- Contents of the package info section
- Items included on the checklist table
- Requirements and fulfillment type for each item on the checklist table
Signature for the supplier/submitter can be applied by selecting the Confirm button under "Supplier Checklist Confirmation". Signature for the customer/approver can be applied by selecting the Confirm button under "Customer Checklist Confirmation". Selecting "Delete" will remove a signature.
Checklist confirmation is a configurable option and its enforcement will vary based on the customer or package type. When confirmation is done by either supplier/submitter or customer/approver, the following actions are prevented:
- Adding/removing items
- Changing item requirement dropdowns (for requirement type and fulfillment type)
- Changing whether the customer/approver acceptance is required
An acknowledgement text may exist in the supplier/submitter checklist confirmation modal depending on the configuration.
Checklist Table
The checklist table is filterable and columns can be added/removed (which is stored in your browser cache). This means the table horizontally scrolls when the number and width of columns exceed the window width.
All items found in the checklist template are pulled in from the checklist template indicated on the package info tab. Items may be turned off by default and can be added back by the customer/approver by selecting the "Add" button. Items can be removed by the customer/approver by using the trashcan next to a specific item.
Name of an item. Reference documents/templates, if provided, can be downloaded from here.
If an item is marked as internal, the item will have a tag that displays in two ways:
- If you are the owner of the checklist template:
- If you are not the owner of the checklist template, the tag will say "Fulfilled by customer" (in most cases) or sometimes "Fulfilled by supplier"
Internal items can only be modified by the one company. This means if the item is internal to the customer then the customer users will both submit and approve the item. This will require users have "Submitter" related roles rather than "Approver" roles.
Consists of two sets of drop-down options, both of which are locked in once the checklist has been signed by either party. These options' default settings are configured by the customer, and may vary depending on the record's APQP Submission Level.
Required/Optional - If "Required" is selected, then the supplier must sign for the item. If "Optional" is selected, then the item does not need to be signed. As a configuration option, the customer may choose to block suppliers from accessing this drop-down menu.
Signature/Documents - If "Signature" is selected, then the supplier may sign for the item without providing supporting documentation. If "Documents" is selected, then the supplier must upload a Final document (i.e., a Production document) for the item before they are permitted to sign. This document must also not be an internal only document.
This drop-down menu becomes unavailable for an element after the supplier provides their signature.
Planned Completion Date
Optional, supplier-only. Date by which the supplier intends to submit an item for approval. This field will turn red if it is set after the item due date.
Due Date
Optional, customer-only. Date by which the customer needs an item to be completed. This field (#2 below) will turn red if it is set after the package due date (#1).
May be optional, depending on checklist template settings. Either the supplier or customer may use this section to upload documents representative of the item, or to provide feedback. Each uploaded document must be assigned to a Category; documents belonging to particular categories may be required by the customer if "Documents" is selected in the item's Requirement section. File size limit is ~96 MB.
The supplier cannot upload documents for an item after they have provided a submission signature for that item.
The customer cannot upload documents for an item after they have provided an acceptance signature for that item.
If an item document is uploaded as "Internal View Only", it will only be visible to the uploading company. Note, internal only documents do not satisfy an item requirement of document as it must be shared with the customer
Two particular items do not provide an option for uploading Documents: "First article inspection report (FAIR)" and "PPAP Approval Form (PSW)". In the former case, a FAIR submitted to the customer through Net-Inspect's First Articles module must instead be selected; in the latter, the user must complete a provided Approval Form.
Submission Signature
Section used by the supplier/submitter to Sign for an item. The supplier/submitter may also Delete a signature after signing; however, this option becomes unavailable after the customer/approver provides an Acceptance signature for the item.
All "Required" items must have a submission signature in order for the supplier to initiate a Final Approval Form for the APQP/PPAP package.
Acceptance Signature
Section used by the customer/approver to provide an Acceptance or Disapproval signature for an item. The customer/approver may also Delete a signature after signing; however, this option becomes unavailable if a Final Approval Form is initiated.
If the "Rejection" option is selected for an item, then that item is considered incomplete. The supplier/submitter can sign for the item again; if they do so, then the customer/approver will be able to choose between Acceptance or Rejection again.
Item comments can be added by supplier/submitter and customer/approver. Questionnaires and their answers will also appear here for each item.
Yes or no to indicate if an APQP item also satisfies a PPAP requirement.
Item Type
Pulled in from the checklist template indicated on the package info tab. Items of "Element" will appear gray but all others are blue and contain nested elements and % submitted/ % approved metrics.
Required Predecessors
Pulled in from the checklist template indicated on the package info tab. An item cannot be submitted by the supplier/submitter until the required predecessor(s) are also submitted. An item cannot be approved by the customer/approver
Start Date
May be required. Supplier/submitter field used indicate to the customer/submitter when work for item started.
% Submitted
Items of item type other than "Element" will display a % submitted which is the aggregate of all required items nested under this item and their submission signatures.
% Accepted
Items of item type other than "Element" will display a % approved which is the aggregate of all required items nested under this item and their approval signatures.
Online Form Type Items
Online forms can be initiated from within APQP/PPAP packages by clicking the initiate button if your company is submitting the item. Relevant data will be copied over to the create page and the generated form will be automatically linked to the item in the package checklist.
If an item is a FAIR item, the following conditions must be met for a Net-Inspect FAIR to be linked:
- The FAIR cannot be voided
- The Part Number on the FAIR and on the APQP record have to match
- The Supplier of the FAIR matches the Supplier of the APQP package, and the Customer of the FAIR matches the Customer of the APQP package
OR The Supplier of the FAIR matches the Supplier of the APQP package, and the FAIR’s supplier = the FAIR’s customer
PFD/PFMEA/Control Plan (PPAPD Records)
If an item is a PFD, PFMEA, or CP item, the Net-Inspect PPAPD Deliverable can be linked to an item. Voided deliverables cannot be attached. The following notifications will appear when linking:
- If the part number does not match
- If the status of the deliverable is retired
- If the customer listed on the PPAPD record is different than the APQP/PPAP Package
Deliverables can be marked as internal only if they should not be shared with the other company listed on the package. To make a linked deliverable visible to the other company, the deliverable will need to be unlinked then relinked.
If a PPAPD item is an internal item, the attachment is shared with the other company by default. You must mark the attached PPAPD as internal view only to prevent other company access.
Learn more about linking PPAPD Records in this article.
PPAP Approval Form
An APQP/PPAP checklist may contain a PPAP Approval Form (PSW) section through which the supplier or customer may initiate an Interim or Final Approval Form. Clicking the "Show Approval Form Details" button will display a list of initiated approval forms as well as the "Create Approval Form" button, which can be used to start an Interim or Final approval form.
A final approval form cannot be created for a checklist if it already has a final approval form in progress or approved. An existing approval form may be cancelled by clicking the "Void" button in the top-left of the approval form.
Interim Approval Form
An Interim approval form may be created at any time during the life cycle of an active APQP/PPAP package; the option is only unavailable if the package is Voided or On-Hold, or if the record already has a final approval form in progress or approved.
Interim approval forms are intended to establish only temporary conditions for shipment of product: while approving an Interim approval form, the customer specifies a limiting "Qty Shipped" or "Interim Approval Form Expiration Date."
Final Approval Form
A Final approval form may be initiated for an APQP/PPAP package only if all of the following conditions are met:
- All required items listed before the PPAP Approval Form (PSW) item are submitted
- The checklist has no other non-voided final approval forms
- If configured, the checklist confirmation must be completed by the supplier
Once the Final approval form is initiated, the APQP/PPAP package info and items listed before the PSW may no longer be edited by the supplier or the customer (except for adding disposition decisions by the customer). The supplier may Submit the Final approval form at any time after it has been initiated. Before the Final approval form is submitted, the supplier or customer can cancel it by clicking the Void button, which will allow the checklist to be edited again.
The customer may only approve the Final approval form after the customer has accepted all of the items that the supplier has signed for.
Package Details
APQP/PPAP packages display information at the top of the page:
"Print", "Void", and "Hold" buttons are available in the top-left of each page. The Void option will permanently cancel the APQP/PPAP package, so it should only be used when a record is no longer required, or needs to be replaced. The Hold button will place the package in a read only state and pause any notifications.
[Package] Status:
In-Work - Package is not one of the other statuses
Completed - All required fields are entered and all required items in the checklist tab are submitted and approved
Void - Package has been terminated is now read only
On-Hold - Package progress is halted by the customer/approver. Package is now read only and cannot be worked until it is returned to an In-Work status
[Package] Schedule Status: The schedule status of an APQP/PPAP package, based on the package due date
Not Scheduled: Package does not have a due date Scheduled: Package has a due date
Coming Due: Today's date is within the terms of coming due as set by the customer configuration
Past Due: Today's date is great than the due date of the package
Completed: All required items are completed
Pkg Start Date: Supplier and customer available field.
Pkg Due Date: Customer field to drive the package schedule status.