APQP/PPAP: View Internal Packages
The "APQP/PPAP View Internal List" page for packages shows all APQP/PPAP packages created within an internal APQP/PPAP Package. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding record to open.
Internal packages may be assigned to either a supplier or a customer. However, the selected company cannot view or access your company's package.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by part number, part name, supplier, and customer. There are also icons at the top of each column that allow a user to select or provide an entry to filter by.
Add APQP: Opens the Create APQP page
Export: Generates an Excel file with the current contents of the APQP/PPAP table
Columns: Used to add or remove columns from the APQP/PPAP table.
Most columns are derived from fields on the record's related APQP/PPAP forms or approval forms, but some are unique to the APQP/PPAP list pages:
Next Item Due and Next Item Due Date: These two columns display the next item due based on next item due date
Next Custom Item Due and Next Custom Item Due Date: These two columns display the next item due that is not an element based on next custom item due date.
Package Status:
In-Work - Package is not one of the other statuses
Completed - All required fields are entered and all required items in the checklist tab are submitted and approved
Void - Package has been terminated is now read only
On-Hold - Package progress is halted by the customer/approver. Package is now read only and cannot be worked until it is returned to an In-Work status
Schedule Status: The schedule status of an APQP/PPAP package, based on the package due date
Not Scheduled: Package does not have a due date
Scheduled: Package has a due date
Coming Due: Today's date is within the terms of coming due as set by the customer configuration
Past Due: Today's date is greater than the due date of the package
Completed: All required items are completed
Last Approval Form Status: The approval status of an APQP record's most recently created Approval Form (PSW). An APQP record can be considered closed once its Final Approval Form has been approved.
Initiated - Approval form has been created, but has not yet been signed by the supplier
Submitted - Approval form has been signed by the supplier
Approved - Approval form has been approved and closed by the customer
Rejected - Approval form has been rejected by the customer. The approval form can be edited and resubmitted by the supplier.
Void - Approval form has been terminated by the supplier or customer prior to approval.
Has Concerns: While signing for an Element on an APQP form, the supplier may be asked to complete a questionnaire with multiple possible answers. Certain answers, when selected, may indicate the supplier has issues or concerns with the element that need to be addressed.
"Yes" will appear in this column if an answer indicating such concerns is selected on any questionnaire. "No" will appear if no concerns were shown by the supplier after answering all questionnaires. In all other cases, the column will remain blank
Percent Submitted: The percentage of required items submitted for approval
Percent Approved: The percentage of required items submitted for approval
Opening an APQP record
Only users that have the appropriate Program and Division authorization (where applicable) and access to at least the "View Only" APQP Role can open and make changes to a record.
Program authorization: Supplier users must have access to the Program assigned to an APQP package in order to open it. Therefore, customer users creating or editing an APQP package should take care to select a program to which supplier users are likely to have access.
Customer users may require access to either the APQP package's assigned Program, or one of the Programs assigned to the Part Number's record.
Division authorization: As a supplier, if a "From Division" is available on your company's APQP package, then supplier users will need to be aligned with the division in order to open a package. Access to the record's "To Division" is not required.
Customer users may require access to the APQP package's assigned To Division, and/or to one of the Divisions assigned to the Part Number's record. Therefore, supplier users creating or editing an APQP package should take care to select an appropriate To Division, normally one that corresponds with the purchase order.