Add Features To A Part (Inspection Plan)
Quality Management > Part & Feature Setup > click a part > click the Feature tab
To learn about Updating Part Features in Bulk, see Bulk Updating Features.
Go to Adding Feature Photos to view how to add feature photos on the measurement entry screen.
Adding Features in the Feature Tab:
Click the "+ Add Feature Button" to create a new feature for the part
**Bold = Required**
Measurement Type | Select an option. Selecting "Variable" type will make this feature numerical. Selecting "Attribute" will make the feature Pass/Fail. Selecting "Not Reportable" causes the feature to not require a result. |
GDT Callout | Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing callout frame. |
Tolerance Type | Use the drop down to select different variable types. Each field will adjust whether a Nominal, High or Low Tolerance, or high or low specification. |
Description | Description of the feature. |
Units | Unit of measurement used by the feature. |
Nominal | Nominal tolerance for a feature. |
High Tol | Upper tolerance for the feature. Must be zero or a positive value. |
Low Tol | Lower tolerance for the feature. Must be zero or a negative value. |
Feature Number | Unique designator for the feature. Can contain only decimal points and English alphanumeric characters. |
Dimension Type | Type of feature |
Part Revisions | Part Revision levels applicable to the feature |
Operation Number | Use this to define the operation number of the part. Features assigned to the same operation number will appear together when it is selected on the "Record Measurements" page. |
Group | Name of a group of features. Used as a reference in quality reporting and eTags. |
Key Feature |
Used to designate the feature as key |
Inspection Plan | Used to include the feature in the inspection plan during measurement entry |
CpK Metric Basis | CpK calculation method, choose between: 1. Min(CpL, CpU) traditional Cpk formula 2. CpL Calculate CpK using lower specification limit only 3. CpU Calculate CpK using upper specification limit only |
Measurement Sequence # | Order on inspection plan |
Reference Location | Location of feature balloon number on the drawing |
Sampling Plan | See Sampling Plans |
AQL Index | Target quality level, specified as the percentage of parts in a run that may permissibly be defective on this feature. This field is only available when the "AQL, c= 0" or "AQL, c =0 (modified)" sampling plan has been selected. In aerospace manufacturing, 1.500–4.000 are often recommended for minor defects, and 0.650– 2.500 are recommended for major defects; consult your quality manual or customer guidelines for specific instructions. If the feature is critical, then a more stringent sampling plan (such as 100%) is advised. |
Characteristic Designator | Type of characteristic (e.g., critical, key, flight safety) |
Designator | Optional secondary designator |
Processes | Tooling used to create feature. Can be configured under Settings > Company Setup > Quality Management Setup > Processes. |
Tool Types | Category of tool used to measure feature |
Setup Comments | Optional second reference location field |
Receive Alerts | 1. On measurements with % tolerance above Select this for designated contacts (as per the User profile) to receive an email alert above the designated percent level 2. On out-of-control-limits measurements Select this for designated contacts (as per the User profile) to receive an email for any out of control measurements. |
SPC Chart | Select the +Expand button to view the SPC Chart of this feature, adjust the dropdown to view more than 20 measurements. |
Editing Features in the Feature Tab:
To the far left of each feature, select the "˄" dropdown to view and edit all data within the feature.
Click "Save Feature" after editing.