Helping Your Users Log In as the Setup Administrator
When a user needs help accessing their Net-Inspect account, a setup administrator can assist. Here are the steps to provide access to a user who already has an account.
- If they do not have an account, please reference the article "Adding a User".
- Navigate to "User Management" by clicking the gear-shaped settings button in the top-right of any page
- Search for the user in the user management table
- Users can be searched by their user name, first name, and last name using the search function at the top right of the table under "User Management"
- User emails, programs, etc. can be searched/ filtered by using the filter buttons at the top of each column
- Users can be searched by their user name, first name, and last name using the search function at the top right of the table under "User Management"
Selecting the drop down will show a list of filter options
- If you cannot find a user, check the box "Show removed users" first to see if their account was deactivated. Reference the article "Re-Activating Users" to re-enroll their emails for account access
- Once the user is found, click on their row to view their account information
- Select "Reset Password" at the bottom of the screen in order to send a reset password email.
- Note that the email will not contain their username or the Net-Inspect company name (or company short name) needed to login so you may need to provide those details
- If the email needs to be changed that can be done here as well - make sure to click "Save Changes" prior to navigating away
- Notify your user of an email coming from "" and tell them to search their inbox using that email as it can frequently be marked as spam
If you or your user are still having issues please submit a ticket request.