CpK vs. Cp Capability Report
The Cpk vs. Cp Capability Report highlights differences between features' "Real Cp" and "Real Cpk" capability values (See Real Cpk and Static Cpk). Because a feature's Cpk value takes into account whether its measurements are centered between the feature's specification limits, and its Cp value does not, this report can be used to easily find out which features' measurements are currently straying from nominal.
This report only shows features whose Real Cp values are below 1.33.
In order to navigate to this report, select Quality Management > Reports > Features Report.
The "Report" drop-down menu in the top-left of the page can be used to navigate to other Feature reports, focusing on other feature data of interest.
Bulk Export - Download the currently displayed feature data to an Excel file
Columns - Show or hide report columns
Internal/Supplier - Toggles the report between showing feature data for internal parts, and feature data for suppliers' parts.
Date Range - Filters the report based on features "Last Measurement" date.
Features - Filters the report to show Key features, Non-Key feature, or All features.
Part Number - Limits the report to features belonging to the selected Part Number.
Program - Limits the report to features whose part is aligned with the selected Program in the Access Control section of the part record.
Customer - Limits the report to features whose part is aligned with the selected Customer in the Access Control section of the part record.
Supplier - Limits the report to features whose part belongs to the selected supplier.
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