Supplier Capability Report
The Supplier Capability Report provides information about your suppliers' activity, as well as their capability.
Clicking a supplier's name will open the Part Capability Report, filtered to show the supplier's part data.
Export - Download the measurement data to an Excel file
Columns - Show or hide report columns
In order to navigate to this report, select Quality Management > Reports > Supplier Capability Report.
The "Report" drop-down menu in the top-left of the page can be used to navigate to the Part Capability Report.
Provide an entry in any of the fields shown in this section to filter your list of suppliers. Click the Filter button to refresh the report.
Supplier - Name of supplier. Use this filter to quickly locate a particular supplier.
Supplier Code - Supplier code associated with a supplier. Supplier codes can be assigned on the Suppliers setup page, located in the General Setup section of the Company Setup page.
Part Number - Number corresponding with your suppliers' parts. Entering a part number here will filter the report to just the suppliers responsible for that part number. (Note: The supplier must set up your company as the part's Customer through that part record's Access Control section in order for the supplier to be found this way.)
Setup Date - Date the supplier was added to your company's supplier list.
Program - Program associated with your suppliers' part numbers.
FAIR Capability Score - Total score calculated by Net-Inspect for your suppliers' FAIRs. Capability score formula is based on the amount of measurement deviation from nominal.
Production Capability Score - Total score calculated by Net-Inspect for your suppliers' parts. Capability score formula is based on the amount of measurement deviation from nominal.
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To add a custom chart to your dashboard, please see Adding to Favorites.