eSource Preferences
Next Inspection Record Number
The number shown here will be automatically set as the "IR Number" of the next inspection record generated in your account.
Enable Shipment History for Manufacturing Lot Number on IR
If enabled, a Shipping History section will be shown on the Part Info tab of your supplier's IRs. This section displays data pertaining to all submitted IRs that have the same Manufacturing Lot Number, Part Number, Supplier, and Customer as the IR being viewed by the user.
Only Delegated Quality Engineer (DQE) can create and submit inspection records to your company
If enabled, then only designated users at each supplier can submit IRs to your company. DQEs can be set up through the "Inspectors" menu.
Enable Commodities
Allows a Commodity to be selected by your suppliers when they create an IR. The list of commodities can be populated through the Commodities setup menu, located in the General Setup section of the "Company Setup" page.
Require Commodities - Makes "Commodity" a required field on your suppliers' IRs.
Enable Qualified Parts List (QPL)
Enforces the Qualified Parts List. When an IR is created by (or for) a supplier, a specific QPL record must be selected.
- Allow IR creation when some QPL = "Yes" - Prevents an IR from being created if none of the matching QPL records are available.
- Allow IR creation when all QPL = "No" - Allows an IR to be created even if all matching QPL records are unavailable.
- Enable Tool Die Set Number - "Tool Die Set Number(s)" field will be displayed when creating an IR.
- Require Tool Die Set Number - The user must select a "Tool Die Set Number" when creating an IR.
- Enable UPPAP Validation at IR Creation - Prevents an IR from being created under a QPL record that has a UPPAP Status of "Inactive" or "Cancelled".
Enable 1D barcode
Shows a barcode at the top of approved IRs. The barcode provides the IR's unique authorization number when scanned with a traditional barcode reader.
Enable QR code
Shows a QR code at the top of approved IRs which provides various information related to the inspection record when scanned using a QR phone app.
Enable open PO Check at IR Creation
Prevents an IR from being created under a QPL record unless it's associated with an open PO. When enabled, the supplier can submit an IR to the customer for a part number if a FAIR Requirement with the same Part Number, Supplier, and Customer exist. Supplier can send multiple IRs for the same PO.
Require supplier to identify matching PO, PO Line Number, and Revision prior to IR Creation and Submission
If enabled, a PO Number and PO Line Number must be selected from a drop-down menu while creating an IR. The Supplier, Customer, Part Number, and Revision provided while creating and IR must match the selected Purchase Order and PO Line Number. These values will be checked again when the IR is submitted.
Require FAIR Info at IR Submission
If enabled, a FAIR Number, FAIR Review Date, FAIR Approval Status, and FAIR Approval Date belonging to a FAIR for the corresponding part number must, if applicable, be provided before a supplier IR can be submitted.
Require PO Number and PO Line Number
If enabled, a PO Number and PO Line Number must be entered before a supplier IR can be submitted.
Require Shipment Number and Shipping Date
If enabled, a Shipment Number and Shipping Date must be entered before a supplier IR can be submitted.
Enable and Require Reason Field in Checklists
If enabled, forces users to provide a "Reason" when providing an incorrect answer to a checklist question on a supplier IR.
Enable Over-inspect Feature
Enables the Over-Inspect feature on supplier IRs. See Over-Inspect for more info.
- Enable Lot Quantity - Allows a lot quantity to be specified on supplier IRs. Mandatory if the Over-Inspect feature is enabled.
- Require Lot Quantity - Makes the Lot Quantity field mandatory on all supplier IRs. Mandatory if the Over-Inspect feature is enabled.
Enable Manufacturing Lot Number
Allows a Manufacturing Lot Number to be specified on supplier IRs
- Require Manufacturing Lot Number - Makes the Manufacturing Lot Number field mandatory on all supplier IRs.
Enable Shipping Quantity
Allows a Manufacturing Lot Number to be specified on supplier IRs
- Require Shipping Quantity - Makes the Shipping Quantity field mandatory on all supplier IRs.
Enable Submission Comment
Allow a comment to be provided when a supplier IR is submitted.
Allow Supplier user to download and view all documents
Supplier users will be able to view all documents uploaded to an IR.
Supplier user can only download and view documents that are uploaded by customer
Supplier users cannot view or download any documents uploaded to an IR. They will have the option to delete any uploaded documents.