FAIR Monitoring
Unsubmitted FAIRs
Customer Report
The Customer Report contains a list of internal and supplier FAIRs which have been completed per Field 19 on Form 1, but not submitted to a customer. If enabled, this Excel file is sent to the email addresses defined in the "Email weekly unsubmitted FAIR report to:" field each week
Supplier Reminder Email
Supplier reminder emails include a list of FAIRs which have been completed per Field 19 on Form 1, but not submitted to a customer. If enabled, these emails and their Excel files are sent to the following parties each week:
- The Setup Administrators at each of your suppliers
- The users at your company who are aligned with each of your suppliers, and who are assigned the "E-First Article Inspector" User Type
- The list of email addresses defined in the "CC reminder emails to:" field
The email text can be defined in the "Email" field. If the field is left blank, then default email text will be used.