Create a PAR Form
Select the "Create PAR" option on the ePAR menu to launch the PAR workflow.
Only users with the PAR Creator role have access to this page.
Supply the information indicated on the page and then click the "Create PAR Form" button to generate a new PAR.
Organization Name
Account name of the PAR supplier.
From Division
Facility, location, or business unit submitting the PAR.
Account name of the PAR customer.
To Division
PAR recipient. Always select "PW Hartford" from this field.
Form Type
Type of PAR form being submitted. Select "4692" for parts and processes, or "6042" for mill products.
Record Type
Type of PAR. Select from available descriptions.
(4692) Source
Select "Prime" if your company is the P&W PO holder, "Sub-tier" if your company is a supplier to the P&W PO holder.
(4692) Part Number
Enter at least one part number associated with the PAR here. Once the PAR has been created, additional numbers can be added in the Part Info section of the form. If you have a bulk request (consisting of a large quantity of different part numbers), then you can add just one of the part numbers here and then use the "Bulk Add Part Numbers" feature on the following page, in the Part Info section
Note that you will receive an authorization error upon clicking the "Create PAR Form" button if your User ID isn't aligned with the selected parts' assigned Programs (internal and external PAR) and Divisions (internal PARs only), or if the part record hasn't been fully configured. If this occurs, or if you cannot find a Part Number, then contact P&W's CSC Help Desk.
(6092) Material Spec.
Enter at least one material specification number associated with the PAR here. Additional specification may be added on the subsequent page once the PAR has been created.
(4692) Non-US Supplier
Mark "Yes" if supplier is not located in USA, "No" otherwise. Failure to make the correct selection here will result in the PAR being returned thus delaying approval.
(4692) Is this PAR Request for a Military Part?
Mark "Yes" if there is an Export License affiliated with the part, "No" otherwise.