Machine Incidents History
The "Machine Incidents History" page lists all of the machine incidents previously filed for a machine. Clicking a row on the report will open the corresponding machine incident record.
You can click the "Add Incident Report" button to create a new incident report.
You can search the incident list by clicking the filter icon in any column's header and providing an entry, or by entering a report number in the top-right search field.
Report Number
Unique incident report number automatically assigned to the record.
Occurrence Date & Time
Date/time the incident occurred.
The cause of the recorded incident.
Corrective Action
The correction undertaken in response to the incident.
Time Lost
Amount of machining time lost due to the incident, in minutes.
Repair Cost
Cost of requisitioning repair for the machine, in dollars (or local currency).
Labor Cost
Additional personnel cost for repairing the machine, in dollars (or local currency).
Material Cost
Cost of materials needed to repair the machine, in dollars (or local currency).
Other Cost
Miscellaneous costs associated with machine incident, in dollars (or local currency).
Total Cost
Total cost of repairing the machine, in dollars (or local currency).
Updated By
User who last updated the incident report.
Updated Date
Date the incident report was last updated.