PAR Review and Disposition
When a PAR is submitted, it undergoes three stages of review through the Review and Disposition page:
- MCL Review
- ESA Review
- ITC Review
A PAR's MCL Reviewer will receive an email notification when a PAR is submitted by the supplier. The PAR's ESA Reviewer will likewise be notified if the PAR is approved during MCL Review.
Note that MCL and ESA Review can be performed by any user with the MCL Reviewer / ESA Reviewer ePAR role, not just the users selected as the PAR's MCL Reviewer and ESA Reviewer on the PAR Info page.
MCL/ESA Reviewers may update the Due Date of their review stage, but must provide a reason when doing so.
If a stage of review is performed after the assigned Due Date, then a Due Date Reason Code must be provided.
MCL Review
MCL Reviewers may choose to Approve, Return, or Disapprove the PAR:
Approve: Signs the MCL Review section and initiates ESA Review.
Return: Sends the PAR back to the supplier for review and resubmission. On external PARs, this initiates ITC Review.
Disapprove: Rejects/cancels the PAR and initiates ITC Review. The supplier will not be able to resubmit the PAR afterward.
If ITC Review is initiated by an action, then the MCL Reviewer must select an "MCL ITC Reviewer" to receive an email notification.
ESA Reviewers have the option of carrying out both MCL Review and ESA Review at once by marking the "Simultaneous Approval" option in the top-right of the page. If this is done, then the PAR will proceed immediately to ESA Review. The Simultaneous Approval feature is only to be used for process changes and variations on conventional machining, mechanical or manual finishing, forging rough machining and part marking processes for metallic parts per PWA370
ESA Review
NOTE: During review of submitted PAR data, the ESA Reviewer shall ensure that the PAR Creator made the correct determination for the “Non-U.S. Supplier?” question on external PARs. If they made an error, then Return the PAR with instructions in the comment field for them to correct the mistake.
During review of submitted PAR data, the ESA Reviewer shall ensure that the PAR Creator made the correct determination for the “Non-U.S. Supplier?” question on external PARs. If they made an error, Return the PAR with instructions in the comment field for them to correct the mistake.
ESA Reviewers may choose to Approve, Limited Approve, Return, or Disapprove the PAR. Note that any action will cause the record to first be routed through ITC Export Review, with the exception of an internal Return.
Before Approving or Limited Approving a PAR, the ESA Reviewer must select an option from the Process Substantiated By field. If "Similarity" is selected, then a similar PAR Number or Part Number must be provided.
- Approve: Signs the ESA Review section and initiates ITC Export Review.
- Limited Approve: Signs the ESA Review section and initiates ITC Export Review. The user must either provide an Expiration Date or define a qunatity limit (i.e., by heat number, serial number, or another appropriate identifier)..
Return: Sends the PAR back to the supplier for review and resubmission.
Disapprove: Rejects and cancels the PAR. The supplier will not be able to resubmit the PAR afterward. - A Withdraw option is also available in the top-right of the Review and Disposition page on PARs that have been Approved or Limited Approved. This initiates ITC Export Review and rescinds the approval.
Once a final disposition has been made on a PAR, or it is being returned to an external supplier it must go through an ITC review workflow. The user making the disposition or return will be prompted to select an ITC reviewer from a list. This list contains Pratt and Whitney PAR reviewers who are also JCL2 Focals, and it will be maintained by the ESA Managers. An email notification will be sent to the selected user.
ITC Export Review
ITC Review occurs upon approval of a PAR, or upon release of the PAR back to a supplier. During this stage, the MCL/ESA ITC Focal has the opportunity to update the Program, Jurisdictions, and Classifications applicable to the record.
ITC Review entails three required fields. The Program field is the same one that is aligned with part numbers and individual users. The list consists of NLR, License Required, and all the authorization numbers currently in use for ESA. The ESA Reviewer doing the export review must also be an AU for that license, and as such it is their responsibility to ensure that the number is correct and up to date. Verification and requests for updated authorization numbers shall go through Alison Johnson until further notice. The ESA Managers will be responsible for adding a new number to the list or removing an old number.
This Program field only allows for single selection. ITC Reviewers are instructed to never select License Required here; they will only choose NLR or the specific authorization number.
The Jurisdiction and Classification fields are used to classify the level of control for any technical data included on the actual PAR form. This does not include the data in the attached documents.
Once ITC Review is complete, the reviewer clicks SAVE. Then they are prompted to acknowledge a statement as shown below.
Once ITC Review occurs on an External PAR, access to the record will be based on the PAR's selected Program, rather than the Program aligned with its parts.
The supplier will receive an email notification once this stage of review is complete.