Adding a User
Click the gear-shaped Setup button in the top-right of any page, and then select User Management.
Users can be added through the User Management page by clicking the Add New User button.
Complete the provided fields and then click the Create User button.
The user will then receive an email which contains his User ID (Username) and Company credentials. They will also be provided with a link used to set their password.
First Name
User’s given name or first initial
Last Name
User’s surname
User ID entered by the user in order to sign in to Net-Inspect. This also serves as the user’s signature, so entering a Username that clearly shows the user’s identity is advised (e.g., the user’s first and last name, or their email address).
Password Reset Email
Email address used to create/reset the user’s password; usually the user’s work email address.
User Types
User’s access privileges. User Types are necessary in order to open certain pages and use specific features.
Operator: | Enables the user to submit measurements for parts. Operators have limited access to other areas in the system. |
Auditor: | Allows user to log in, but provides no specific access by default. |
Supply Chain User: | Grants intermediate access to Net-Inspect, including viewing Internal and Supplier FAIs (but not creating, editing, or buying off FAIs) |
Calibrator: | Enables the user to create and edit Tool records, and to calibrate Tools. |
E-Rejection Tag Inspector: | Enables the user to complete Rejection Tags. Grants full Supply Chain User privileges. |
E-First Article Inspector: | Enables the user to sign, complete, and buy off FAIs. Grants full Supply Chain User privileges. |
Administrator: | Observation role; allows user to view (but not modify) company account information. |
Super Administrator: | Enables the user to create new users and modify user details. Grants full Supply Chain User privileges. |
Setup Administrator: | Enables the user to assign new customers and suppliers to company’s account, create new programs and divisions, and modify company information and preferences. Grants full Super Administrator privileges. |