Supplier Contacts
The Supplier Contacts page can be used to reference and provide information about a supplier, and well as create and maintain a list of users acting as contacts for your suppliers.
Upon selecting a Supplier on this page, its Supplier Code and address will be displayed. Administrators have the option of assigning ESA Processes Requiring Approval, as well as entering a Supplier Representative and Phone Number.
Administrators can also assign Prime Contacts, Managers, and Backup Contacts to the supplier.
Prime Contacts are entered on this page only for informational purposes. Users configured as Prime Contacts do not receive additional notifications. (Users that would be a supplier's Prime Contact are normally selected as the MCL Reviewer / ESA Reviewer on the supplier's PARs, and notifications already go to these designated users.)
Managers set up through this page will receive a reminder email notification when one of their supplier's PARs is 1 day away from its MCL or ESA Due Date.
Backup Contacts set up through this page will receive a reminder email notification when one of their supplier's PARs is 3 days away or 1 day away from its MCL or ESA Due Date.
Each contact is assigned to the MCL and/or ESA PAR Review Process. MCL Review contacts will only receive reminders for PARs approaching their MCL Due Date; ESA Review contacts will only receive reminders for PARs approaching their ESA Due Date.
In addition, each contact can be assigned ESA Processes Requiring Approval. If this is done, then the contact will receive reminders only for PARs whose selected ESA Processes Requiring Approval matches one or more of those assigned to that contact.
Lastly, each Manager and Backup Contact can be assigned an Expiration Date. After this date, the contact will no longer receive reminders for their supplier's applicable PAR records. This option should be used when setting up temporary contacts -- just select the date when the user will no longer be responsible for the supplier.