Opening a FAIR
The Search icon located in the top-right of each Net-Inspect screen can be used to search for a specific FAIR by its Part Number or Report Number.
Clicking the “View Internal” option on the First Articles menu will show a list of FAIRs created by your company, while the “View Supplier” option will display FAIRs whose "Customer" is your company.
The table on these pages will show all FAIRs created within the past quarter. Clicking the Calendar button in the top-left of the table will allow you to select a new date range.
You can open a FAIR by clicking its corresponding row on the table.
Create FAIR
Opens the Create a New FAIR page
Generates a .xlsx file containing the current contents of the First Article Inspection Reports table
Used to add or remove columns from the First Article Inspection Reports table
The icons at the top of the table can be used to modify which FAIRs are shown on the table:
FAIRs belonging to any Buyoff Status
FAIRs that are open for editing by the supplier. Includes all unsubmitted FAIRs, including those that have been "Disapproved for Buy-off" or "Reset/re-opened" by the Customer.
Pending Buyoff
FAIRs awaiting buyoff by the Customer.
FAIRs that were rejected by the Customer.
Buyoff Completed
FAIRs that were reviewed and approved by the Customer.
Conditionally Approved
FAIRs that were reviewed and approved by the Customer, but require follow-up action by the supplier.
FAIRs that have been cancelled.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by part number. There are also icons at the top of each column that allow a user to select or provide an entry to filter by.