PAR Info
The PAR Info page is used to provide information concerning the part or material being shipped. Only users with the "PAR Creator" ePAR Role may make changes to most of the page's fields.
Print: Creates a printout of the PAR record. This option is available to P&W users at any time, and to supplier users after a PAR has been dispositioned.
Copy: Creates a new PAR with the same entries as the current PAR.
Save: Saves all information entered on the PAR.
Submit: Submits the PAR to the customer.
Upon submission, MCL and ESA Due Dates are immediately assigned to the PAR. The selected MCL Reviewer is immediately sent an email notification. Reminder emails are also sent to applicable reviewers and contacts both 3 days and 1 day before MCL Review is due.
Void: Cancels the PAR. Voided PARs can no longer be saved or submitted. Note that voiding is permanent, so it should not be done without ensuring that the PAR is no longer applicable.
Record Type
Type of PAR. Select from available descriptions.
(4692) Source
Select "Prime" if your company is the PO holder, "Sub-tier" if your company is a supplier to the PO holder.
(4692) P&W Buyer
Buyer listed on P&W Purchase Order.
(4692) Non-US Supplier
Mark "Yes" if supplier is not located in USA, "No" otherwise. Failure to make the correct selection here will result in the PAR being returned thus delaying approval.
(4692) Is this PAR Request for a Military Part?
Mark "Yes" if there is an Export License affiliated with the part, "No" otherwise.
(4692) PO Number
Purchase Order number associated with PAR request.
(4692) Engine Model
Engine model listed on PO.
(4692) Export License
List all applicable export license numbers. Note: ITC Reviewers can update this field during the ITC Review process.
Customer Company
Account name of the PAR customer.
To Division
PAR recipient. Always select "PW Hartford" from this field.
Account name of the supplier / module center submitting PAR
From Division
Facility, location, or business unit submitting the PAR.
Supplier Code
Supplier code associated with the supplier / module center submitting PAR.
Address of source producing parts.
(4692) Material Spec.
Select applicable material specification.
(4692) Process Spec.
Select applicable process specification.
(4692) ESA Process Requiring Approval
Select applicable manufacturing process(es).
Reference PAR Numbers
Select any PAR Numbers associated with the PAR record.
(6042) Material/Forging Stock Application
How will mill product be used? (e.g., powder, casting, shaft, disk, etc.)
(6042) Mill Customer
Name of mill product purchaser
(6042) Size
List size of mill product, typically diameter
(6042) Heat Number
List applicable heat codes(s)
(6042) Engine/Program
P&W engine model listed on PO
(4692) Part Number
Enter one or more part numbers associated with the PAR.
Use the Add Part Number button to add a single part number to the list, or click the Bulk Add Part Numbers button to open a window where multiple parts can be located and selected at once:
Use the search field in the top-right of the window to search for a part number/name, or enter a partial part number to look for a family of parts. Use the checkboxes on the left side of the page to choose one or more parts, and then click the Next button to proceed when finished.
A new window will then appear, providing the option to apply a single Process Sheet ID, Revision Level, and Revision Date to all of your selected parts. Mark the applicable checkboxes if you wish to do this, or leave them unmarked if you would like to provide different information for each individual part. Click the Assign Part Numbers to PAR button when finished to add them to your record.
(6092) Material Spec.
Enter one or more material specification numbers associated with the PAR.
(4692) Part Name
Name corresponding with the part.
Process Sheet ID
Supplier-assigned identifier of the process being approved
Process Sheet Rev
Revision level of the process.
Process Sheet Date
Date corresponding with the process sheet revision.
(4692) Process Op Step
Operation step associated with the process.
ESA Reason
Select reason code for process/material being submitted.
One or more fields, used for providing additional detail, may accompany each "ESA Reason". The names of mandatory fields will be in bold.
Description of Request
Info needed to understand the reason for submitting PAR.
MCL Reviewer
Name of P&W MCL engineer dispositioning PAR.
ESA Reviewer
Name of P&W ESA engineer dispositioning PAR.
Supplier Representative
Name of source representative submitting PAR. This field will be completed automatically upon submitting the PAR.
Supplier Representative Email
Email address of source representative submitting PAR. This field will be completed automatically upon submitting the PAR.
Supplier Representative Phone Number
Email address of source representative submitting PAR. This field will be completed automatically upon submitting the PAR.
Date of PAR submission.