Kpc View Internal List
To view KPC records in your company.
1. Date Filter
Click on the date range drop down to select a quick filter date range or create a custom date range to view KPCs.
2. Quick Filters
- All - View all KPC records for the selected date range.
- Not At 90 Days - View all KPC records that are Not At 90 Days.
- Certified - View all KPC records that were certified.
- Not Certified - At 90 days, if not all necessary conditions are met, the KPCs are Not-Certified. If the KPC is KPC 1 or KPC 2, Management Form is required.
- DeCertifed - If any of the conditions changes from met to unmet after a KPC Record is "Certified" at the 90th day, its status will be updated from Certified to Decertified. The supplier will have 90 days from the current date to recover the conditions.
3. Search Filter
- Search - Enter KPC Record Number or Part Numbers to filter to list.
- Clear Search (amber color button) - Clear all filters in view.
4. Export & Columns
- Export button - Create a Excel file of the current list.
- Columns button - Use the drop down to select additional fields for viewing within the table.
5. Filtering & Sorting
- Use the Filter Icon to filter the table by any specific column.
- Click a column header to sort the table by the column.
6. Create KPC
Click to launch the KPC Create page.