Create A KPC
To generate a new KPC, select the "Create KPC" option on the KPC menu.
KPC Dashboard
Create New KPC
Supply the information indicated on the page and then click the Create KPC button to generate a new KPC.
Part Number
Select a Part Number
If you cannot find the part number you are looking for, then please contact your company's Net-Inspect admin and ask them to set up a new part record.
Part Revision
Select applicable Part Revision(s) from dropdown.
Select a KPC Designator
If you are a KPC Creator (user role), you should be able to select KPC 1, KPC 2, and KPC M from the dropdown.
If you are a KPCM Creator (user role), you should be able to select KPCM from the dropdown.
Engine Program Type
Select a Engine Program.
Measurement Type
Select an Measurement Type. "Variable" indicates that the feature's results are numerical, while "Attribute" indicates that the feature is Pass/Fail.
GDT Callout
Enter a geometric dimensioning and tolerancing callout frame if applicable.
Mandatory field. Enter the KPC specification in this field.
Unit of measurement used by the KPC.
Tolerance Type
Select the appropriate tolerance type for the KPC specification.
Nominal/High Tolerance/Low Tolerance
Enter the numerical specification of the KPC.