- Add button - Create a new Task
- Export button - Create a Excel file of the current list.
- Columns button - Use the drop down to select additional fields for viewing within the table.
- Complete/Reopen button - Click this button to complete or reopen a Task. Only a Task's creator or Assignee can use this button.
- Task options button - Click this button on the far right of a Task row to open its list of available options:
- Edit - Update the details of this Task. Only a task's Creator or Assignee can edit a Task.
- Activity Log - View this Task's history.
Task Fields
APQP record to which the Task is applicable. Automatically entered.
Entity Type
Type of entity that the Task belongs to. Automatically entered.
Task Type
Determines whether the Task belongs to a user, a Department, or a Workcenter.
The party responsible for carrying out the Task. Search for and select a User, Department, or Workcenter, depending on the selected Task Type.
Scheduled Start Date
Date on which the Task is set to begin. A notification will automatically be sent to the Assignee when the Scheduled Start Date for a task arrives.
Due Date
Date by which the Task should be Completed. Users will be receive automatic email notifications when a Task's Due Date is less than a week away.
Task Description
Summary of the task to be carried out.
Created By
Creator of the Task. Automatically entered.
Created Date
Date the Task was created. Automatically entered.
Last Updated By
Date the Task was last updated by a user. Automatically entered.
Completed By
User that Completed the Task. Automatically entered.
Additional information concerning the Task.
Completed Date
Date the Task was Completed by a user. Automatically entered.
Current state of the Task -- Active (not yet worked), Completed (finished), or Voided (cancelled).