APQP Charts
The APQP Reports page shows a quick summary of the APQP and approval forms visible through your account. Click any of the bars shown on the chart to see a list of the forms that bar represents.
Use the Chart drop-down menu to change the vertical axis on the APQP Reports page from "APQP Record Count" to "Approval Form Record Count".
Use the Categories drop-down menu to change the chart's horizontal axis, and obtain a count of records for any of the following:
APQP Record Count
♦ Month Created
♦ Month Last Updated
♦ Month Completed
♦ Month of customer signature
♦ Month of supplier signature
♦ Submission Level - Customer-defined value that determines the contents and requirements of the "Elements" section of the APQP record.
♦ Checklist Status - The completion status of an APQP/PPAP checklist.
♦ Program - Product group to which an APQP part belongs
♦ Supplier - Account name of an APQP record's supplier
♦ Customer - Account name of an APQP record's customer
♦ From Division - Division within a supplier, usually corresponding with a facility or location
♦ To Division - Division within a customer, usually corresponding with a facility or location
Approval Form Record Count
♦ Month Approved
♦ Month Created
♦ Month Due
Select and enter filters to focus the chart's data. You can use the "Add/Remove" button in this section to show or hide the available filters as needed.
♦ Type (Internal/Supplier)
♦ Date Range
♦ Part Number
♦ Part Name
♦ Customer
♦ Supplier
♦ Supplier Code
♦ From Division
♦ To Division
♦ Checklist Status
♦ Submission Level
♦ Program
♦ Final Approval Form Status
♦ APQP #
♦ SPOC Number
♦ DUNS Number
♦ Key Code
Add to Favorites
To add a custom chart to your dashboard, please see Adding to Favorites.