Supplier Inspection Records
The "Supplier Inspection Records" page lists all inspection records (IRs) created for your company by your suppliers, as well as IRs created by your company on behalf of your suppliers. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding IR to open.
Create Supplier IR: Opens the Start Supplier Inspection Record page
Export: Generates a .xlsx file containing the current contents of the Inspection Records table
Columns: Used to add or remove columns from the Inspection Records table
The icons at the top of the table can be used to modify which IRs are shown on the table:
Calendar: Adjusts applicable creation date.
All: IRs belonging to any Approval Status.
In-Progress: IRs that are open for editing. Includes IRs with the Completion Status "In-Work" or "Re-Opened".
Submitted Exceptions: IRs awaiting approval.
Approved: IRs that were automatically approved upon submission to your company.
Approved Exception: IRs that were reviewed and approved.
Disapproved and Closed: IRs that were rejected and closed.
Void: IRs that have been cancelled.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by part number. There are also icons at the top of each column that allow a user to select or provide an entry to filter by.
Add to Favorites
To add a custom report to your dashboard, please see Adding to Favorites.