Inspection Record
An inspection record (IR) provides a customer with the information required to document and/or authorize a shipment of parts. Once created, the record can be saved and submitted by either the IR's Supplier or its Customer. Though any user with the required Program and Division authorization (where applicable) can open the IR, only a user with the requisite "eSource Role" can make changes to it:
Quality Engineer: Can save, submit, or void an IR.
Customer Supplier Representative: Can save, submit, or void an IR.
Inspector: Can approve or disapprove the IR.
Administrator: Can reset the IR.
Saving, Submitting, or Voiding an IR
An "In Progress" IR can be saved, submitted, or voided at any time by any supplier user assigned to the Quality Engineer eSource role, or any customer user assigned to the Customer Supplier Representative role.
Prior to submitting and closing an IR, all mandatory sections of the document must be completed. These include:
- Certain fields in the Part Info section
- Lot Quantity
- (By customer option) PO Number and PO Line Number
- (By customer option) FAIR Number, FAIR Review Date, FAIR Approval Status, and FAIR Approval Date
- All Checklist answers and mandatory supporting documents
- (Customer option) All Over-Inspect characteristics
- Characteristics must be added until "(0 remaining)" is displayed in the top-left of the section
- Results must be provided for each characteristic, for the requisite number of parts
- (Customer option) A Mitigation Plan must be uploaded for each characteristic having a Result close to the tolerance limit
- (Customer option) A nonconformance number must be entered for each characteristic having a Result over the tolerance limit
- All required Documents
- Certain fields in the Complete and Review section
- (By customer option) Shipment Number and Shipping Date
- Accepted Quantity
After all of this information is provided, the supplier's Quality Engineer or customer's Customer Supplier Representative can use the Submit button to complete the IR. The IR will then enter one of two states:
Inspection Complete
The IR has been automatically approved; no Customer review is necessary. A barcode has been generated automatically, and can be printed and included with the shipment.
Inspection Exception
The IR is awaiting customer approval. It was blocked for one or more of several possible reasons:
- The customer chose to require review of all IRs...
- Submitted by the IR's supplier
- Submitted by the user who was responsible for submitting the IR
- Submitted for the entered Part Number
- A failing answer was provided for a question on the Checklist
- (Customer option) One or more Over-Inspect characteristics had an out-of-tolerance result
- (Customer option) One or more Over-Inspect characteristics had an out-of-tolerance result without a nonconformance number
- (Customer option) One or more Over-Inspect characteristics had a result that was nearly out of tolerance
- (Customer option) One or more Over-Inspect characteristics had a result that was nearly out of tolerance, and no mitigation plan was uploaded
The IR can no longer be edited, and must await action by the Customer.
Clicking the "Void" option causes the IR to be closed and cancelled. It can then only be reopened if it is reset by a customer user assigned to the Administrator eSource role.
Dispositioning an IR
Users belonging to the Customer of the IR who are assigned to the Inspector eSource role can approve or disapprove any IR with the "Exception" status.
Approve: IR is approved and complete, and a barcode is generated.
Disapprove (Close): IR is permanently cancelled.
Disapprove (Reopen): IR is rejected. Further changes can be made to the IR.
Resetting an IR
Users belonging to the Customer of the IR who are assigned to the Administrator eSource role can Reset any IR that is complete (status "Approved" or "Approved With Exception") or closed (status "Disapproved and Closed" or "Voided"). This reopens the IR to "In Progress" status and allows it to be edited again.