Form 3: Bulk Update Feature
The Bulk Update tool on Form 3 is meant to update multiple or all characteristics on Form 3.
Important Notes: This bulk update will overwrite any existing data that you are updating with the tool. If you use the delete characteristic option, and delete many characteristics, you will be unable to retrieve them. Be careful to ensure you don't delete characteristics in bulk that you do not want removed.
1. You may select multiple characteristics by selecting the checkbox to the left of each characteristic:
2. You may select all the characteristics on the page by selecting the top checkbox:
3. Then select BULK UPDATE:
4. The BULK UPDATE box will appear. In this example, we have selected the option at the top to update All Characteristics (and not just those on the currently viewed page), then checked the box for Nonconformance Number and entered a value of "N/A" in the field.
5. After clicking on APPLY BULK UPDATE, "N/A" will be populated for every characteristic in the Nonconformance Number field: