Edit A Tool
Select a Tool to Edit
If adding a tool, go to Adding a new tool.
Below is a summary of each tool status.
In Service: Tools deemed in service and available for use within Quality Management
Calibration: Tools that a user has identified as in "Calibration" status (typically used to identify tools that have been collected for calibration in advance of their calibration due date)
Out at Supplier: Tools that are out at a supplier facility (typically used to identify tools at a manufacturing supplier rather than calibration supplier)
Repair: Tools that are being repaired
Out of Service: Tools that have been pulled out of service (typically assigned to this status and removed from the list of tools)
Lost: Tools that have been lost / cannot be located
Due For Calibration: Tools that have been automatically assigned to this status by the system by reaching or exceeding their "Next Calibration Due Date"
Checking out Tools
Click the "Check Out Tool" button in the upper right corner to check out a tool on behalf of a User, Department, or Work Center. Click "Check In Tool" to check it back in.
Basic Info
Tool ID | ID of the Tool. Not editable |
Tool Type | Tool category to which the tool belongs. If the tool type is changed, ensure that any documents uploaded for the tool are consistent with the new tool type. See our Tool Types article in our company setup to add additional tool types. |
Serial Number | Unique serial number / ID by which the tool is identified |
Model No. | Model Number of the tool |
Status | Current status of the tool |
Output Type | Type of measurement the tool is capable of reading |
Custodian | Custodian that is responsible for the tool. |
Manufacturer | Manufacture of the tool |
Work Center | Work-center the tool is assigned to. Users in the specified work-center will receive alerts when the tool is due for calibration or is found to have an out-of-tolerance calibration feature. |
Owner | Owner of the tool. If it is an Employee or Customer, a dropdown will appear to select a employee name or customer name. |
Tool Cost | Cost of the tool |
Description | Description of the tool |
Remove Tool | Use this checkbox to disable the tool. It will only appear under your "Removed tools" list when viewing the list of tools and will be unavailable during measurement entry. |
Calibration Frequency Type |
Tool calibration frequency type in terms of months, days, or number of measurements. |
Calibration Frequency Value | Enter the number of months, days or measurements as per the selected calibration frequency type. |
Next Calibration Date | Date of next calibration |
Calibration Alert Days | Days before calibration date to send out notification to users subscribed to "Tool calibration alerts" in their subscription page. |
Calibration Location | Specifies whether the tool is calibrated by company personnel (internal) or outside personnel (external). |
Calibration Agency | Company firm that performs the calibration of the tool |
Hide | Hides the tool so that it does not show on the Tool Calibration Entry Screen or in calibration reports. If a tool is hidden and its status is "In Service" or "Calibration," its status will be set to "Out of Service." |
A user can upload additional documents by dragging and dropping files from a file folder or browse a file folder by selecting "Select Files."
Uploaded documents need a description and a category.
To remove a document, click the X button on the right side of the document listing.
Checkout History
View the checkout history of a tool.
Tool Features
Please view the Tool Features page for more info.
Calibration History
This page lists the history of calibration. To learn about calibrating tools, please see Calibrate Tools.