APQP/PPAP: View Customer Approval Forms
The "View Customer Approval Form List" page shows all Approval Forms (or PSWs) created by your customers for your company, as well as approval forms created by your company on your customers' behalf. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding record to open.
Each approval form is linked to one of your customer's APQP records.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by part number. There are also icons at the top of each column that allow a user to select or provide an entry to filter by.
Export: Generates an Excel file with the current contents of the approval form table.
Columns: Used to add or remove columns from the approval form table.
Approval Form Status: The approval status of an approval form. An APQP record can be considered closed once its Final Approval Form has been approved.
Initiated - Approval form has been created, but has not yet been signed by the supplier
Submitted - Approval form has been signed by the supplier
Approved - Approval form has been approved and closed by the customer
Rejected - Approval form has been rejected by the customer. The approval form can be edited and resubmitted by the supplier.
Void - Approval form has been terminated by the supplier or customer prior to approval.