APQP/PPAP: Status Overview Table
The status overview table appears when the checklist template associated with a package contains non-element item types that are required. If the list of items is too long, the table will horizontally scroll.
The table will display the name of the non-element items (events, phases, and custom item types) and their statuses and due dates, the priority status of the group (detailed below, called "Priority Item Status"), and the number of required items completed over the total number of completed required items. The intention of the table is to provide an overview of major milestones as prescribed by the checklist and visually alert users to any at risk items.
Both "Event/Phase Status and Due Date" and "Priority Item Status" are a combination of item schedule status and item buy-off status.
The Event/Phase row indicates which prevailing status below specifically applies to the non-element item plus it's due date (if applicable).
The Priority Item Status row will display whichever item in the grouping (whether an element or the non-element item) has the highest priority status of all items in that grouping as determined by the list below.
Items are listed from HIGHEST to LOWEST priority:
Disapproved: Item is disapproved by the customer/approver
Past Due: Today's date is after the item's due date
Pending Buy-Off: Item is submitted for customer/approver acceptance
Coming Due: Today's date is within the number of weeks established in the configuration settings at the time of package creation
Scheduled: Item has a due date and is not coming due or past due
Not Scheduled: Item does not have a due date
Accepted: Item has all submission and acceptance signatures
In the example from the image above:
The "Priority Item Status", named "Phase 1", contains two required deliverables. If one item has a priority status of "Coming Due", the second one has a status of "Accepted", and the third one's status is "Not Scheduled" then "Coming Due" would be the displayed status. The date associated with that status will pull directly from the item's due date.