Company Details
The information shown on the Company Details page is typically completed by a Net-Inspect representative as the account is being set up but all information, excluding the company name, can be modified by your company's setup administrator.
Much of it is used only to provide information about your company to your customers, but certain fields are crucial to your account's operation as well:
Company Name
Your company's Net-Inspect account name. Normally includes both your company's name and its location. Automatically appears in the Organization Name field on Form 1 of your company's FAIRs.
While logging in to Net-Inspect, you can enter either this or your company's Short Name in the Company Name field.
For assistance with changing your Company Name, please contact your company's setup administrator who can coordinate with Net-Inspect helpdesk.
Short Name
Shortened version of your company name that can be entered in the Company Name field while logging in to Net-Inspect.