Sending a FAIR To a Supplier With an XML Template
In Net-Inspect, you may download a XML Template of a FAIR within your own account. You may then send that template to a supplier and they may upload the FAIR into their own Net-Inspect account.
To do this:
1. Open your list of Internal FAIRs (First Articles > View Internal)
2. Locate the FAIR you wish to send to a supplier and scroll to the far right of the FAIR list.
3. Click on the dropdown arrow and click on "Download XML"
4. Send this file to your supplier.
Your supplier will need these directions to import the XML file into their account with the FAIR data:
1. After logging into Net-Inspect go to First Articles
2. Create FAIR
3. Import from External
4. Select XML from the dropdown
5. Click the Select File button or drag and drop the XML file into the light blue box. The upload button will appear.
6. Click the UPLOAD button
Net-Inspect will create a new FAIR in the account.