View Supplier Audits
The "View Supplier Audits" page shows all audit records created by your company for your suppliers. It also shows audits which have been created by your suppliers. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding record to open.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by Audit Type, Part Number, Supplier, or Customer. There are also icons at the top of each column that allow a user to select or provide an entry by which to filter the report.
Initiate: Opens the Initiate Audit page
Bulk Export: Generates an Excel file with the current contents of the Audit table
Columns: Used to add or remove columns from the Audit table.
Most columns are derived from fields on the Audit form, but some are unique to the Audit "List" pages:
Initiating Company: Company that initiated the audit. If the supplier's account name is shown here, then the customer will only be able to sign the audit checklist and will not otherwise be able to update it. If the customer's account name is shown, then the supplier cannot update the audit unless the customer marks the "Enable Supplier Completion" option.
Started By: User who initiated the audit.
Platforms: List of platforms with which the audit's associated part numbers are aligned.
# of open CARs: Number of CARs which list the audit as its Source Record. Count does not include Closed or Voided CARs.
# of overdue CARs: Number of CARs which have passed one or more due dates.
Linked CARs: List of CARs linked to the audit.
CAR Status: Current status of the audit's linked CARs. Displays "Closed" if all linked CARs are closed or voided, "Open" if one or more linked CARs are still open, and "N/A" if no CARs are linked to the audit.
Opening an Audit record
Only users that have the appropriate Program and Division authorization (where applicable) and access to the "Audit User" audit role can open a record. In addition, only users with the "Internal Auditor" audit role can update an internal or customer audit, and only users with access to the "Supply Chain Auditor" audit role can make create or edit a supplier audit.
Program authorization
If no part numbers are associated with the audit record, then the user must be aligned with at least one of the record's Programs in order to open it.
If one or more part numbers are associated with the audit record, then the user must be assigned to at least one Program aligned with each part number in order to open the record.
Division authorization
If no part numbers are associated with the audit record, then the user must be aligned with the record's Division, Supplier Division, or Customer Division (if any) in order to open it.
If one or more part numbers are associated with the audit record, then the user must be assigned to at least one Division aligned with each part number (if any) in order to open the record.
Add to Favorites
To add a custom list page to your dashboard, please see Adding to Favorites.