PPAP Deliverables: Deliverable Tab Header Info and Button Actions
A PPAP Deliverables (PPAPD) record contains separate tabs for the PFD, PFMEA, and CP deliverables. Each tab contains header/ meta data and a data table specific to each deliverable. To read more about the functioning of the data table, please read this article: PPAP Deliverables: Data Table.
The below information is using PFMEA as an example but the same concepts apply to each deliverable tab.
View Mode
When one first clicks on a tab, publishes, or "Save + Exit" while in edit mode, the user is in "View Mode". This allows you to view different versions and review data (without risk of unintentional changes). The data table is gray in this view mode to prevent unintended changes and the screen is not in Fullscreen mode.
The buttons available only in this view are: Edit and Merge.
Edit Mode
Clicking the Edit button will convert the page to Fullscreen mode (to provide more vertical editing space) and change the color of the data table to indicate editability. Icons on the table will appear as well new options in the data table headers.
The buttons available only in this view are: Save, Save + Exit, and mini PFD/PFMEA/CP tabs which allow the user to navigate between each deliverable without leaving edit mode (where applicable).
Tab Header
The header portion of the PFMEA tab contains actionable buttons, search function, PFMEA header/meta data, and a drop down of all PFMEA versions (except those which are voided).
PFMEA # and Versions
All PFMEA's on this tab will have the deliverable # associated with the PPAPD record. In this case, the PFMEA's are number "1006" then demarcated by the version number as "-#". If the version viewed is changed (by selecting the Version # drop down) from version 1 to version 6, the PFMEA deliverable # becomes "1006-6".
PFMEA Header/Meta Data
Some of the header/meta data associated with the PFMEA is highlighted here. This includes the part revision, drawing number, drawing revision level, release stage, status, and last updated.
Edit Button
Clicking the Edit button will allow the user to edit the data table below. It will change the view to "Edit Mode" which also makes the page Fullscreen.
Fullscreen can be exited by clicking the expand/collapse button under the user name or by clicking the "Actions" button >> Exit Full Screen.
Your screen will now look like this when in edit mode but not Fullscreen.
Publish Button
Clicking this button will open a pop-up where the meta data and users for the version can be modified as well as enter new comments. You can change your mind by unchecking the publish option if you only want to save changes. More information can be found in this article: PPAP Deliverables: Save/Publish.
Note, if more than one signature is required to publish a version then all signatures must be applied to change the status to "Published".
Merge Button
The Merge button aggregates data that is the same in a few columns for better visibility. This button is only visible in View Mode. The merge function operates on the following columns: Operation, Process Step, Process Description, Product, Process, Requirements, Potential Failure Mode, External, and Internal.
If a merged cell is ever blank, simply hovering over the cell will provide the contents in a "Tool Tip".
Actions Button
The Actions button is a dropdown containing other pertinent actions:
Import/Copy: Opens a pop-up allowing you to select a file to import. Read this article to learn more: PPAP Deliverables: Import.
View Version Details: Opens a separate table, "Version History", for this deliverable that displays all of its versions and summary details. Read this article to learn more: PPAP Deliverables: Version History.
Export as Excel: Exports the current saved version into an xlsx file that can be used to reupload if necessary (meaning it does not need to be transferred to the import template).
Full Screen/ Exit Fullscreen: This option toggles the Fullscreen mode of the page. At any time, you can choose to enter or exit Fullscreen. The system will automatically do this for you when you enter or exit edit mode.
Retire: Clicking this will change a version from status "Published" to "Retired" as an indicator that it is no longer applicable to production. The option to "Retire" a version is only available when a version is both "Published" and "Production".
Simple search function that applies across the entire data table. Filters and searches can be removed by selecting the yellow filter icon.
The Unsign button will only appear if the version is the latest version and either you have applied a signature or you are a PPAPD Admin. Performing this action will remove your signature and if there are no other signatures applied, it will change the status to "In-Work". If there are, then it will become "Pending". If you are an admin, it will remove all signatures and change the status to "In-Work".
Next Stage/ New Version
This button appears when the latest version is of status "Published".
If the release stage is "Prototype" or "Pre-Production", the button will display as "Next Stage". This will create a new "In-Work" version where the release stage progresses to the next stage but the version # remains the same as the previous version.
If the release stage if "Production", the button will display as "New Version". This will create a new "In-Work" version where the release stage remains at "Production" but the version # increases. The release stage can be modified at save + exit.
Eyeball (Hide and Unhide Rows)
This button is a toggle for hidden rows on the version. It defaults to the "closed eye" to hide hidden rows. As hidden rows are added to a version, the count increases. Clicking it will "open" the eye to display hidden rows. Hidden rows are more transparent than other rows to make it more obvious that they are hidden.
Example of a data table with a hidden row not visible. The line # starts at 2.
Example of a data table with a hidden row visible. The line # starts at 1.