PPAP Deliverables: Data Table
Each deliverable on a PPAPD record contains a data table. The function of the table for each deliverable is the same although columns are different across deliverables.
Quick Functions/Notes
Keyboard shortcuts
- The following keyboard shortcuts were implemented:
- CTRL + Z (Undo)
- CTRL + X (cut),
- CTRL + C (Copy)
- CTRL + Y (redo) - this does have a few limitations
- CTRL + V (paste, this is the only way to paste in the table)
- Pasting is limited to 500 rows of data
- SHIFT + ENTER (newline within a cell)
- CTR: + S (Save).
- The delete button will remove data from the selected cells.
- Tab will navigate to the next cell on the right. SHIFT + Tab will navigate to the previous cell on the left.
- Using the tab and enter keys will close the cell from editing.
- Typing on a selected cell (that is not actively being edited) will append to the cell's current data
Multi-cell select
Multiple cells can be selected for copying, pasting, and deleting. This can be done by selecting a range with the cursor, using CTRL + select, and using ALT + select. Note that pasting from these selections does have behavior that differs from Excel.
The most important function of PPAPD data tables is to provide automated linkage functionality. Linkage means a few things:
Shared column data
Many columns are repeated between the three deliverables (PFD/PFMEA/CP). To ensure data accuracy and efficiency, data entered into shared columns will be automatically input/ updated across all three deliverables. Below is a table indicating the full list of columns considered "shared" and on which deliverable they appear.
Column Name | PFD | PFMEA | CP |
Operation | X | X | X |
Process Step | X | X | X |
Process Description | X | X | X |
Reference | X | X | X |
Product Characteristic | X | X | X |
Process Characteristic | X | X | X |
Requirements | X | X | |
Classification | X | X | X |
Prevent Controls | X | X | X |
Detection Controls | X | X | X |
Deliverable Linkage
By default, all new rows and their shared data will appear on all three deliverables. This is indicated in the "Linkage Indicator" columns on the far left of the table (which defaults to closed). To open, select the ">" at the top of the table.
- To remove data from other deliverables:
Deselect the deliverable from the row. For example, if you are on the PFD and want to remove data from the other deliverables, deselect "PFMEA" and "CP" checkmark and the associated row(s) will be removed from those deliverables at save along with the data associated with those deliverable rows. The color of the header indicates the status of the deliverable.
- Add data to other deliverables:
On the deliverable where the data appears, simply reselect the intended deliverables then click save. Navigate to the other deliverables and the data will appear. Unshared column data will NOT return to the rows if there were any.
- To remove data from the deliverable (ie. hide) currently being edited:
Deselect the current deliverable on the row. This will hide the data from the current deliverable. It can be viewed by selecting the eyeball above the table. The data will be removed from table once it is saved. It can be added back via the method above.
Row Groups
Rows on a single deliverable will be automatically grouped together when all of their shared column data is the same. Refer to the table above for a reference on which columns are considered "shared" on each deliverable. Row groups have special behaviors such as automated entry update, quick select, and ungrouping. More details below.
Column Types
Many columns are simple cells with character limits. Character limits are displayed underneath each cell when actively editing. A few columns on each table have unique properties.
Symbol columns only display the symbol associated with their column otherwise they are blank. These are currently only found on PFD.
Dropdown columns retain data for reuse. Typing will search the contents of the dropdown as well.
Text strings entered into a cell will be retained in the dropdown if the user selects "ADD" or hits "Enter" on the keyboard.
Text in the dropdown cannot be edited. To update, delete the entry from the dropdown by selecting the "X", enter the new verbiage on the cell entry, and click "ADD". Cells using the old verbiage will need to be manually updated with the new entry at this time. It is recommended the column be filtered for the old verbiage so easily make the changes.
Columns which utilize dropdowns: Product [Characteristics], Process [Characteristics], Classification, Current Prevention [Control Methods], Current Detection [Control Methods], Potential Failure Mode, Potential Cause(s) of Failure, and Reaction Plan.
Date cells accept pasted dates and typed dates. There is also a picker to select dates from.
Numerical pickers
Numerical picker cells contain a dropdown of pre-identified values for the user to select from. Keypad entry on these drop downs is not allowed - the value must be selected from the drop down. These cells will allow pasted content as long as the content is numerical.
Non-editable cells
Currently "RPN" columns are the only non-editable cells in the data table. These contain formulas calculated from other cells and are non-editable to prevent manipulation or accidental changes to the formula.
Table Behaviors
The intended design of the PPAPD data table is to provide basic Excel-like functionality plus a few features to elevate the experience.
+ icon
This functionality copies data from the cell it was selected into a new row (which appears below the originating row). It copies the data from the cell where the + icon was selected and all data to the left.
In the image below, the + icon will be selected on the Process [Characteristics] cell (line 1).
A new row appears below line 1 as the new line 2. Data is copied into the row up to the Process [Characteristics] column but not past it (notice Requirements is blank).
Rows on the table can be moved individually or grouped. Select the dotted group icon (also known as a Bento Menu icon) to move a row.
If multiple rows are selected, simply grab the icon at whichever row is included. A small tool tip will appear to let you know how many rows are being moved.
To select multiple rows, select the first row you want to move.
- Option 1: On the keyboard, hold "SHIFT" then select the last row you want to move if the rows are continuous.
- Option 2: On the keyboard, hold "CTRL" and select each row you want to move individually. They will start to highlight in blue. This is best for non-continuous rows. This will group the rows together at the final location.
Edited Status
Edited cells are indicated by a green, dashed border. Saving and undoing a change, where applicable, will remove this border.
Row Groups: Text Auto-Update
When rows are grouped, updating data in a shared column on one cell will automatically update the same column for each row in the group. This is intended to save the user time editing rows and reducing mistakes.
Line 1 was updated to OP 100 which automatically updated line 2 as indicated by the green border which indicates edited cells.
If you do not intend to update other rows in the group, right click the row to be edited and click on "Ungroup Row". This is remove the row from the group and allow it to be independently editable. If a shared column is not changed before save is selected, the row will return to the row group.
Header Menu
Each column header contains a hamburger icon which allows it to be specifically filtered. When in edit mode, this menu will also allow columns to be pinned and resized automatically. Columns can be pinned to the left or the right side of the table. If multiple columns are pinned to a table then they will be pinned in their original order.
Context (Right-Click) Menu
Finally, additional actions can be performed using the context menu. Some actions are described below.
Insert Row Above/ Below/ Row(s): This inserts blank rows accordingly
Delete Selected Rows: Rows must be fully highlighted to be considered selected
Example of rows properly selected
Example of only one row selected (line 38)
Example of only one row selected (line 38). Line 41 has the cursor resting on it.
Copy + insert row below/ Copy + insert selected rows: This will copy the selected row(s)' values to a new row(s) below
Ungroup Row: This will remove the selected row from its row grouping to allow independent updates to shared columns. This does not work on multiple rows.
Select Row Group: From the row selected, it will highlight/select all rows in its group that are in sequential order. It will not select rows in the group that were displaced.
Column Header Menu
Each column header contains a menu icon (frequently called a hamburger icon). This is available in view and edit modes as well as the online view
Click this icon to view the menu options for that column. Almost every column has the same options:
Column Behaviors
This is where you can pin or change the size of the column or group by the contents in the column
Filter the contents in this column. This option is different for the requirements column
- All columns except Requirements column view
- Requirements column in view mode
- Specification column in edit mode
Column visibility
This hides and unhides any column in the table temporarily. Columns will return upon refresh of the page or the next time you visit the page
Columns Tab
The table contains a "Columns" tab on the right side. Clicking this will open a side panel into the table.
Pivot Table
Allows the user to generate a pivot table based on columns and their row values. This will enabled the field "Column Labels"
Allows the user to search the header names.
Sub-columns can be collapsed or expanded by selecting the down/right carrot icon.
Toggle On/Off
All columns can be temporarily removed from or added back to the table, in bulk, by selecting the checkbox next to search.
Row Groups
Columns added here can be sorted and unsorted by clicking on the value. They can be removed by selecting X.
Aggregate Values
The type of aggregation done can be changed by:
- Selecting the field on the panel and choosing from the drop down
- Selecting the column on the table >> highlighting Value Aggregation >> selecting a new option
Column Labels
Columns added here can be sorted and unsorted by clicking on the value. They can be removed by selecting X.