PPAP Deliverables: View PFD-PFMEA-Control Plan
PPAPD Training Materials can be found here.
The PPAP Deliverables (PPAPD) list page (titled "PFD-PFMEA-Control Plan") displays all deliverables and their versions. Clicking a row on the table causes its corresponding version to open.
The search field in the top-right of the table can be used to filter the report by deliverable #, part number, part name, platform, program, and customer. Search criteria can be cleared by selecting the yellow filter icon that appears to the right once a search (or filter) is performed.
Export: Generates an Excel file with the current contents of the table, this includes column selections and filter which can be modified in the export pop up.
Columns: Used to add or remove columns from the table. This is searchable. Columns can be moved around and expanded/collapsed.
Adding to Favorites: You can save a list page as favorite report (on the dashboard) which will contain all column selections and enabled filters.
Special Access Note: If APQP/PPAP Document Control is enabled on your account, additional access control is required from the part record. Your Net-Inspect company admin may not have authorized access to your account for every part PPAPD record.
All columns are derived from fields and details associated with a version. A few columns of interest are highlighted below. All other columns in the table are associated with the PPAPD Record.
Deliverable #
This is considered the "PPAPD Record". It is a unique identifier associated with a set of PFD/PFMEA/CP deliverables. Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to the info tab of the PPAPD Record.
Version #
The deliverable version number associated with the table row.
Deliverable Type
The table row's specific deliverable type which can be PFD, PFMEA, or CP.
Latest Version
This indicates which version is the latest for the specified deliverable (PFD/PFMEA/CP). Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to the specific version page.
Release Stage
This is the production stage associated with the deliverable version. Options are Unassigned, Prototype, Pre-Production, and Production.
# of Versions
Total number of non-voided versions for specific deliverable. Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to the Version History page for that deliverable.
Latest Production Published Version
The deliverable's latest version that has release stage of "Production" and status "Published". Clicking this hyperlink will redirect you to the specific version page.
Linked APQP/PPAP Packages
This column lists the package #'s associated with the specified deliverable version. Each package number is a unique hyperlink to the package's checklist tab.
Previous Part #
The column is a comma separated list of all part #'s associated with the PPAPD Record. It is agnostic to the version on the row.
This table row's status. Only In-Work is an editable status.
In-Work: Status is not one of the other statuses
Pending: One or more users are marked as "Publish Signature Required“ but not all signatures have been applied. This status does not appear in any other circumstance
Published: Version has all required signatures.
Retired: A published version is marked as retired if it is no longer valid for production purposes.
Void: An In-Work or Pending version that was voided to become read only. This cannot be undone.
Filtering the Table
The table has many ways to filter the table for data of interest. Filters can be removed by selecting the yellow filter icon.
This field is blank by default. Select one of the options (PFD, PFMEA, and/or Control Plan) to filter the table quickly by deliverable type.
Release Stage
This field is blank by default. Select one of the options (Unassigned, Prototype, Pre-Production, and/or Production) to filter the table quickly by release stage.
Show [Timeframe]
This filters the table according to "Created Date". Select one of the quick filters or create your own timeframe.
Quick Filter
To filter the table according to version status, select one of the "Quick Filters" shown below.
The "Show Only Latest Version" filters the table to only the latest version of each deliverable.
Column Filters
Each column has the ability to be individually filtered and sorted. Some contain multiple select filters and others contain search criteria.