Calypso file format transfer via FTP, HDR and CHR file field mapping
Utilizing Net-Inspect services to process measurement files via customer hosted FTP site, Calypso files utilize the HDR file to map three fields, part number, Run number, and Serial number. The mapping is dependent if you use the part comment field:
If partcomment (column X) is populated, we go with the current metadata mapping:
Part Number = partid (column T)
Run number = partsn (column B)
Serial number = partsn, (column W)
If partcomment (column X) is not populated, we go with the alternate metadata mapping:
Part Number = partid (column T)
Run number = order (column AM)
Serial Number = partnb (column B)
If partid (column T) is not populated, we go with the alternate metadata mapping:
Part Number = planid (column A) - Part Number is only the value before the first underscore
Run number = order (column AM)
Serial Number = partnb (column B)
CHR File
Feature number is used from column "id" if the number is numerical or is between "<>"